Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018, thank you

2018 surely was not as easy as it sounds
I had to go through several phases of breaking down
Feeling not good enough
Did not meet some expectations
Over and over
Might as well say that 2018 was not my forté

But then again, 2018 has taught me a lot of things
Things I never planned to learn
Things I never thought I would need

To sum it up, 2018 - personified - would probably said, "Hey Yuan, I know I gave you a lot of hard times, but it is for your own good. It will make you strong, patient, and gritty. You will need it some time in the future. Now I will pass the responsibility to 2019 and I hope 2019 will take it well. You've done great. Keep doing that, ok? I believe in you. Just have faith and walk with a light heart. May your paths be eased and I wish you tons of luck!"

So here I am. At the beginning of 2019 and ready to face whatever God throws me into. Because I'm sure He will provide. He will walk with me and lead the way.

Happy new year to me and you! Wishing you will achieve many greater things ahead. May you gain the strength to be strong!