Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bad News, Good News...

Well hello there, I'm so so sorry about my promise. I know I should update more, I'm so so sorry about it :(
Anyway, I have two types of news here... Which one do you prefer? I guess the good one, doesn't it? Hmm.. well maybe the bad first. Okay, where do I begin...

Have you heard the news lately? I'm sure you all are already knew about this heartbreaking news. Well, how do you feel when you wake up in the morning, not knowing everything, and then all of a sudden one of your friends tell you that your idol has gone... It sucks, isn't it? All of the reality seems so unreal, it feels just like a nightmare you had the night before. I'm a huge fans of Glee ya know, Gleeks, and when the season 5 begin and then I realize this boy that I adores so much is nowhere to be found. My heart probably will shatter into tiny pieces when I realize this boy was gone :'( I know Glee wouldn't be the same without you my dearest Finn Hudson. Rest in peace, will ya? :') miss you already

We'll always know you as a tall, awkward, canadian, actor, drummer, person :)

Cory with the Glee members

Finn Hudson with crossed arms

This is really hurt my feelings :'(

The last video from Cory

Cory about Glee

Look at how she sees him :(

Seriously guys :'(

Finchel Forever :')

Cory about Taylor. Look at how close their friendship are. When Taylor received the news, she tweeted about it "Speechless. And for the worst reason." Ikr :(

And at that moment, every fanbase felt their heartbreak :'(

You're the love of my life

I know that feeling :'(

To Cory, from your truly fans

The last but not least, this amazing quote by Rachel Berry a.k.a Lea Michelle
"Being part of something special, makes you special"
This quote actually reminds me of my best friends or we called it SwiftySix :')

Okay keep calm, take a deep breath and release it. Now moving on to the good news ayee
As you know, I enrolled myself to SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta or known as SMANSA. In English I usually write it as Senior High School 1 Surakarta. And guess what.... I got in there *sounds of audience clapping* Thank you thank youuu!!! I'm in class X IA 7 (re: grade 10, science majors, and 7 is my class like class 1, 2, 3, etc). In my school, there are 2 majors, science and social science. In science we learn physics, mathematics, biology, history (as a must-have-subject), and there are some kind of choice we can make, like we can learn social science (economics,geography, sociology) and language (english and france) but I choose english and france, cause I got in science so why I have to study social science? like pftttt.... no use. Well, it is actually useful for my future, like the economics is very useful for money, etc. But I really wanna learn france!!! Like, it is my dream come true. SERIOUSLY.
Well that is the good news, oh I almost forget this

This is my new class, KETUPAT, that's what we call it. 
Well, see ya later folks. And have a fantastic SUMMER!!

Yours truly,
Yuan :)

P.s. It's 13 days away!! Hint hint hint!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mario Teguh - Cerita Cinta

Detak jantung terus berlantun, langkah kaki tetap terpadu
Dalam lembaran penuh warna kehidupan angan yang terpendam kan terwujud
Cita-cita yang tinggi kan tergapai dengan usaha serta keriangan dan kesungguhan
Itulah arti dari mencintai diri sendiri
Jika kita mencintai seseorang, kita akan senantiasa mendoakannya
Walaupun dia tidak berada di sisi kita

Tuhan memberikan kita dua buah kaki untuk berjalan
Dua tangan untuk memegang
Dua telinga untuk mendengar
Dan dua mata untuk melihat
Tetapi mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan sekeping hati kepada kita?
Karen Tuhan telah memberikan sekeping hati lagi kepada seseorang untuk kita mencarinya
Itulah cinta

Jangan sesekali mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kita masih mau mencoba
Jangan sesekali menyerah jika kita masih merasa sanggup
Jangan sesekali mengatakan kita tidak mencintainya lagi jika kita masih tidak dapat melupakan
Cinta datang kepada orang yang masih mempunyai harapan
Walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan
Kepada mereka yang masih percaya
Walaupun mereka telah dikhianati
Kepada mereka yang masih ingin mencintai
Walaupun mereka telah disakiti sebelumnya
Dan kepada mereka yang mempunyai keberanian dan keyakinan untuk membangun kembali kepercayaan

Jangan sampai kita menyimpan kata-kata cinta kepada orang yang tersayang
Hingga dia meninggal dunia dan akhirnya kita terpaksa mencatat kata-kata cinta itu pada pusara
Sebaiknya ucapkanlah kata-kata cinta yang tersimpan di benak kita sekarang selagi ada hayatnya
Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dan bercinta dengan orang yang salah
Sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat
Kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas karunia tersebut

Cinta dapat mengubah pahit menjadi manis
Debu menjadi emas
Keruh menjadi bening
Sakit menjadi sembuh
Penjara menjadi telaga
Derita menjadi nikmat
Dan kemarahan menjadi rahmat

Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintai kita
Tetapi lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang
Dan kita tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk menyatakan cinta itu kepadanya
Seandainya kita ingin mencintai atau memiliki hati seseorang
Ibaratkanlah seperti menyunting sekuntum mawar merah
Kadang kala kita mencium harum mawar tersebut
Tetapi adakalanya kita merasakan disaat duri mawar itu menusuk jari
Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup
Adalah ketika kita bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagi kita
Hanya untuk menemukan bahwa pada akhirnya menjadi tidak berarti
Dan kita harus membiarkannya pergi

Kadangkala kita tidak menghargai orang yang mencintai kita sepenuh hati, sehingga kita kehilangannya
Pada saat itu tiada guna penyesalan karena perginya tanpa berkata lagi
Cintailah seseorang itu atas dasar siapa dia sekarang
Dan bukan siapa dia sebelumnya
Kisah silam tidak perlu diungkit lagi
Sekiranya kita benar-benar mencintainya setulus hati

Hati-hati dengan cinta
Karena cinta juga dapat membuat orang sehat menjadi sakit
Orang gemuk menjadi kurus
Oang normal menjadi gila
Orang kaya menjad miskin
Raja menjadi budak
Jika cintanya itu disambut oleh para pecinta palsu
Kemungkinan apa yang kita sayangi atau cintai
Tersimpan keburukan di dalamnya
Dan kemungkinan apa yang kita benci
Tersimpan kebaikan di dalamnya

Cinta kepada harta artinya bakhil
Cinta kepada perempuan artinya alam
Cinta kepada diri sendiri artinya bijaksana
Cinta kepada mati artinya hidup
Dan cinta kepada Tuhan artinya takwa

Lemparkanlah seseorang yang bahagia dalam bercinta ke dalam laut
Pasti ia akan membawa seekor ikan
Lemparkanlah pula seorang yang gagal dalam bercinta ke dalam segudang roti
Pasti ia akan mati kelaparan

Seandainya kita dapat berbicara dalam semua bahasa manusia dan alam
Tetapi tidak mempunyai perasaan cinta dan kasih
Dirimu tak ubah seperti gong yang bergaung atau sekedar cangkang yang bergemerincing
Cinta adalah keabadian dan kenangan adalah hal yang terindah dalam cinta yang pernah dimiliki
Siapapun pandai menghayati cinta
Tapi tak seorangpun pandai menilai cinta
Karena cinta bukanlah sesuatu objek yang bisa dilihat oleh kasat mata
Sebaliknya cinta hanya dapat dirasakan melalui hati dan perasaan
Cinta mampu melunakkan besi
Menghancurkan batu
Membangkitkan yang mati dan meniupkan kehidupan kepadanya
Serta membuat budak menjadi pemimpin
Itulah dasarnya cinta

Cinta sebenarnya adalah membiarkan orang yang kita cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri
Dan tidak merubahnya seperti gambaran yang kita inginkan
Jika tidak, kita hanya mencintai pantulan diri kita sendiri yang kita temukan dari dalam dirinya
Kita tidak akan pernah tahu bila kita akan jatuh cinta
Namun apabila sampai saatnya itu raihlah dengan kedua tanganmu
Dan jangan biarkan dia pergi dengan sejuta rasa tanda tanya di hatinya

Cinta bukanlah kata yang murah dan lumrah
Tetapi cinta adalah anugerah Tuhan yang indah dan suci jika manusia dapat melihat dan menilai kesucian
Bercinta memang mudah
Untuk dicintai juga memang mudah
Tapi untuk dicintai oleh orang yang kita cintai itulah yang sukar diperoleh
Jika saja kehadiran cinta sekadar untuk mengecewakan
Lebih baik cinta itu tak pernah hadir
Karena cinta sesuatu yang membawa keindahan dan kebahagiaan di dalamnya

Cinta itu seperti kupu-kupu, tambah dikejar tambah lari
Tapi kalau dibiarkan terbang, dia akan datang disaat kita tidak mengharapkan
Cinta dapat membuatmu bahagia
Tapi sering juga bikin sedih
Tapi cinta baru berharga kalau diberikan kepada seseorang yang menghargainya
Jadi janganlah terburu-buru dan pilih yang terbaik

Cinta bukan bagaimana menjadi pasangan yang sempurna bagi seseorang
Tapi bagaimana menemukan seseorang yang dapar membantu menjadi dirimu sendiri
Jangan pernah bilang "I love you" kalau kita tidak pernah peduli
Jangan pernah membicarakan perasaan yang tidak pernah ada
Jangan pernah menyentuh hidup seseorang kalau hal itu untuk menghancurkan hatinya
Jangan pernah menatap matanya kalau semua yang dilakukan kita hanya untuk berbohong

Hal paling kejam yang seseorang lakukan kepada orang lain
Adalah membiarkannya jatuh cinta
Sementara kita tidak meneriab untuk menangkapnya
Cinta bukanlah "ini salah kamu" tapi "maafkan aku"
Bukan "kamu dimana sih" tapi "aku disini"
Bukan "gimana sih kamu" tapi "aku ngerti kok"
Bukan "coba kamu nggak kaya gini" tapi "aku cinta kamu seperti kamu apa adanya"

Kompatibilitas yang paling benar bukan diukur berdasarkan berapa lama kita sudah bersama
Maupun berapa sering kita bersama
Tapi apakah selama kita bersama kita selalu saling mengisi satu sama lain
Dan saling membuat hidup yang berkualitas
Kesedihan dan kerinduan hanya terasa selama yang kita inginkan
Dan menyayat sedalam yang kita izinkan
Yang berat bukan bagaimana cara mengurangi kesedihan dan kerinduan itu
Tapi bagaimana cara belajar darinya
Cara jatuh cinta
Jatuh tapi jangan terhuyung-huyung
Konsisten tapi jangan memaksa
Berbagi dan jangan bersikap tidak adil
Mengerti dan cobalah untuk tidak banyak menuntut
Sedih tapi jangan pernah simpan kesedihan itu
Memang sakit melihat orang yang kita cintai sedang berbahagia dengan orang lain
Tapi lebih sakit lagi kalau orang yang kita cintai itu tidak berbahagia bersama kita

Cinta akan menyakitkan ketika kita berpisah dengan seseorang
Lebih menyakitkan apabila kita dilupakan oleh kekasih
Tapi cinta akan lebih menyakitkan lagi apabila seseorang yang kita sayangi tidak tahu apa yang sesungguhnya kita rasakan
Yang paling menyedihkan dalam hidup ini adalah menemukan seseorang dan jatuh cinta
Hanya untuk menemukan bahwa dia bukan untuk kita
Dan kita sudah menghabiskan waktu yang banyak untuk orang yang tidak pernah menghargainya
Kalau dia berkata "tidak"
Maka ia tidak akan pernah berkata "ya" setahun lagi ataupun 10 tahun lagi
Biarkan dia pergi

Cinta adalah semangat
Cinta adalah kepercayaan
Cinta adalah energi yang tidak bisa dimusnahkan
Ia hanya bisa berubah bentuk
Cinta memang tak harus memiliki
Karena mencintai berarti memberi tak pernah meminta


She can't see the way your eyes
Light up when you smile
She'll never notice how you stop and stare
Whenever she walks by

And you can't see me wanting you the way you want her
But you are everything to me

I just wanna show you
She don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me
If you only knew me
We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible

There's a fire inside of you
That can't help but shine through
She's never gonna see the light
No matter what you do

And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be

I just wanna show you
She don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me
If you only knew me
We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible

Like shadows in a faded light
Oh, we're invisible
I just wanna open your eyes
And make you realize

I just wanna show you
She don't even know you
Baby, let me love you, let me want you
You just see right through me
But if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible

She can't see the way your eyes
Light up when you smile

Friday, May 17, 2013


Hey there, lately I've been realized that my blog isn't discussing about my personal but more about what I like, like musics and some kind of that. And now, I want to tell you what has been happened lately.
So, I've had my final test, yes, The National Examination. First, I didn't prepare really well. Like what? you know when we will have our NE, we will buy books full of question collection from different subjects that will come out in the NE. But yes, I didn't buy that books. Well not means that I don't have any books like that, but most of my friends bought it. But luckily I still have the books from my course and have a bunch of photocopied question from the teachers. The exam's done pretty well and I hope the result is good enough. Finger-crossed for that.
And the other news is......................... I enrolled myself to SMANSA 'acceleration class'. Well well it's not bad. We've had to do some tests before. And I swear the physics and math one are the hardest. EVER. I don't care what're you saying but that is the hardest. Hhhhh... I hope I can get in. Finger-crossed to this too.
And well yeah, Holidaay of course. Long long holidayy.. be jelly, hah ;) Not saying I hate holiday, but I hate how it's going without knowing what would you do. It's like you're just staying at home watching movies, open your twitter, eat, sleep, wake up, open your twitter again and that's how my daily routine lately. Of course I'm bored, cause it's like nothing to do here. Ugh just ugh. Someone. Please. Take. Me To. Anywhere. Except. Home.
But it's ok, I'm ok with it. Now I wanna watch many movies as I want. And I promise I will blog more things again. Cause my blog abandoned during my NE. And hey, I found many cool songs and I'm not alone now. Yayyy!!!!!
Well, this is it. The end of this post, well I don't want to end it so I will use semi colon than period. K, bye; :D

Your Song

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
Don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The A Team

Hey!! What's up? How's your day? Mine? Awesome. But I can't tell you now.
But lately, I got some tasks to do with my friends and I still can't tell you that.
Sooo... We're talking about Ed Sheeran now!!! Don't know much about him, but I can share some with you.
He is one of Taylor's friends (Taylor again). And he's now going on The RED Tour which has started on March 13, 2013 and end on September 21, 2013. WOW. And The A Team is one of his songs. And I love that song as much as I love all of Taylor's songs. That means I love that song very much!!
And I'd like to share you the music video
And do you know? One of the X Factor's participant, Mikha Angelo, covered that song. Do you wanna see it? Here it is
Yeah, I know he's great. And awesome.
And the lyrics, yeah, the lyrics. I almost forget it.

White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes
Burnt lungs, sour taste
Light's gone, day's end
Struggling to pay rent
Long nights, strange men

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cause we're just under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't wanna go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly

Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim and stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes
Loose change, bank notes
Weary-eyed, dry throat
Call girl, no phone

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cause we're just under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't wanna go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
An angel will die
Covered in white
Closed eye
And hoping for a better life
This time, we'll fade out tonight
Straight down the line

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
And we're all under the upperhand
Go mad for a couple grams
And we don't wanna go outside tonight
And in a pipe we fly to the Motherland
Or sell love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly
To fly, fly

For angels to fly, to fly, to fly
Or angels to die

Well, see ya at the next post. xoxo

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sherly's Birthday Party!!

Hey y'all!! Long time no see.. Duhh.. This site might be dusty and full of spiders. Eww..
Btw, being a nine-grader is such an energy-emotion drained, like, you know what I'm talking about right?. Full of homeworks, duty, tasks, and the last but not least is EXAM. Uhh, I'm sick of being into that feeling when you feel really really bored because of studying, studying, and many more studying. Until, one day my body can't hold it anymore. I got sick for a week!!! CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT!!! Fever, flu, cough, all three in one. It's like a super-thrift package. BAM.
All I want is just one day (or maybe one week) full for refreshing. No Homework. No Task. No Exam. Just that. SOOOOO.... this day I get some go-home-early moment from my school and I decided to upload something, reblogging about something, and of course-ly updating my "obsolete" blog.
So, on March 15th, 2013. YEAAAYY!!!. A friend of mine had a birthday partaayy!!! Her name is Sherlinta Immanuella Kaban or we called her Sherly. She had her 15th Birthday (if I'm not wrong) Celebration on Waroeng Mbok Marni. And after party, we had some fun video making of "Harlem Shake".  Check this one out!!

We were all gone crazy for 30 sec. It's fun, though!!!. So, shall we do it again??? ;)